Aam Jhora is a thirst-quenching drink made from raw mangoes during the summer. It is a healthy drink from Bihar extracted from the raw mangoes to refresh. The landscape of Bihar is unique as the Gangetic flood plains experience extreme climatic conditions. The summers in Bihar are very hot while the winters are quite cold. The Bihari people strive for relief by having a healthy but refreshing drink like Aam Jhora. The drink is essentially vegetarian as in Bihari culture, consumption of meat does not go well. Aam Jhora is an ideal drink to beat the summer as raw mango is an essential ingredient. Raw mangoes come with various benefits, especially during the summers. The recipe of Aam Johra is very easy and you can prepare it easily at home. The minerals in the raw mangoes provide the necessary minerals that prevent excessive sweating in the hot extreme climate of Bihar.
Is it fine to have Aam Jhora during summers?
Aam Jhora is a local drink that people in Bihar have had for a while. It is a special drink for the summers as raw mangoes are available during that part of the year. Aam Jhora is a health drink as it is made of raw mangoes.
- Saves from excessive sweating
The fruit is an abundance of nutritional components like Vitamin C. in Bihar, we know raw mangoes as Kacchi Kairi and it is found in the tropical part of India like Bihar. The vitamin C in raw mangoes helps to protect from heat strokes. We use salt to prepare Aam Jhora, the salt protects the body from loss of water or excessive sweating. During the summers, we feel quite distressed and low in energy due to excessive sweating. But don’t worry! Aam Jhora is there to save your energy being the most refreshing drink during summers.
- Resolves stomach and digestive issues
Besides refreshment, Aam Jhora has an abundance of other vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin E. having a glass of Aam Jhora is good for your stomach and digestive system. The raw mangoes in Aam Jhora have Sodium Chloride (NaCl) that cures stomach-related issues. If you are suffering from stomach bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or indigestion, Aam Jhora is the best drink for you. During summers, often we come across issues like stomach bloating and indigestion, having a glass of Aam Jhora will be fine for you.
- Checks cholesterol
Further, Aam Jhora also has the cure to check your cholesterol levels due to the high level of niacin present in it. So Aam Jhora has answers to heart-related issues like stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.
- Good for diabetic people
India has a substantial population suffering from diabetes, having a serving of Aam Jhora will be effective to tame your rising glucose levels in the body.
Aam Jhora is undoubtedly a refreshing summer drink. Simultaneously, it has answers to a wide array of healthy resolutions for drinkers across diverse age brackets.
Is it easy to prepare Aam Jhora at home?
Aam Jhora is a local, summer drink that is prepared at home quite easily. The recipe to prepare Aam Jhora is simplistic making it quite popular among the masses. The easiness to prepare the refreshing drink comes with a lot of health benefits due to the ingredients used. The usage of raw mango pulps along with salt and cumin makes it an ideal, healthy drink for the summers.
Ingredients for Aam Jhora
- Raw mango: 2 small mangoes or a large one
- Black salt or regular salt: ½ teaspoon
- Sugar – As per convenience (you may use up to 4 teaspoons)
- Water: About 4 to 5 cups of cold water
- Roasted cumin powder: ½ teaspoon
- Equipment: Blender (preferable)
The above ingredients are adequate to have 4 servings of Aam Jhora. The preparation time is around 20 minutes and has around 32 Kcal.
How to prepare for Aam Jhora?
- You can either grill or bake the green mangoes to prepare the drink. Heat the mangoes until they are scorched or cooked entirely from the inside. Extra care is required to ensure that the mangoes do not get overcooked. It may damage the softness of the mangoes and their taste as well.
- After heating the mangoes, place the fruits in a bowl of cold water to settle the heat.
- Now, it is time to peel off the mango skin carefully and have the mango juice. The mango pulp along with the juice will mix with the water. It is better to use a spoon, a stainless steel one to have the mango pulp.
- You can add sugar, salt, and cumin powder as per the recommendation or at your convenience. It is better to use an immersion blender for stirring the mixture properly. The mixture extracted is supposed to have a thick texture. You can add water at your convenience to get the liquid form.
- This is the last step to refrigerate the mixture for a couple of hours and enjoy your refreshing Aam Jhora.
The nutritional quotient of Aam Jhora
- Calories: 32 Kcal
- Carbohydrates: 8 gram
- Sugar: 7 grams
- Fat: 1 gram
- Protein: 1 gram
- Saturated fat: 1 gram
- Sodium: 303 milligram
- Potassium: 87 milligram
- Vitamin C: 19 milligram
- Calcium: 13 milligram
- Vitamin A: 560 IU
- Iron: 1 milligram
From the above list, you can understand the nutritional components of Aam Jhora having minimal calories and fat-related matters. The salt proposition provides the required energy to counter the heat in the atmosphere and preserve the water level of the body. It is absolutely clear that preparing the refreshing drink is very easy and you can prepare those with the substances available at regular homes.
Some points to keep in mind
- The ingredients of Aam Jhora vary as the number of serving increases. You can customize your drink by adding sorts of leaves like mint leaves.
- You can add ice cubes to give a chill to your drink. It will be quite refreshing to have a cold glass of Aam Jhora in extreme summer conditions. But remember! Having multiple glasses of chilled drink can make you susceptible to cold as there is a supposed misbalance of body temperature.
- There may be confusion regarding the usage of salt in the drink. It depends on your taste, you may either use regular salt or black salt at your convenience.
- There are various ways to cook mangoes. You can either use the pressure cooker for the purpose. Again, some people prefer the age-old open pot mode. But it takes a lot of time and given the pace of our fast life, you can decide for yourself. But the open pot cooked on traditional challah gives a raw flavor enhancing the taste of the drink. You can also use the roasting method based on your convenience and preference.
The Bottom Line
Aam Jhora is a refreshing drink that you can have to beat the extreme heat of the summers. It is that of the year when dehydration is a common thing. So a unique way to avoid dehydration and heat stroke is to have Aam Jhora. The refreshing, summer drink will rejuvenate your mind and body, protecting your body from the loss of excessive water.
So if you are a sweaty person, have Aam Jhora to control your sweat and indulge in the raw taste and experience of the mangoes. Have a sip and let me know if you agree with me!