This family consists of over 40 forms of annual and perennial plants which are widely used for gardening and landscaping. they’re beautiful blue-colored flowers that add glitz and glamour to the lawns it’s grown. it’s more widely used as flower beds with large masses of cerulean flowers. It doesn’t grow high, the most height it should grow is merely around six to eight inches floss flower.
Before going further into the small print of this beautiful spermatophyte, allow us to have some basic scientific details referring to this plant.
Genus Name : Ageratum houstonianum
- Family : Asteraceae (Daisy Family)
- Botanical Name : Ageratum
- Foliage : Deciduous, heart-shaped, crinkly hairy green leaves.
- Flowers : Delicate fluffy flowers of blue, pink, and white.
- Light : Full sun or Partly shade.
- Plant Type : Annual or Perennial
- Height : 6 to 12 inches 1 to three feet
- Flower Colour : Blue, Purple, White, and Pink
- Season Features : Spring Bloom Fall Bloom Summer Bloom
- Special Features : Low Maintenance Good for Containers
- Bloom Time : From late spring to frost.
Silent Features
Ageratum may be a small button-type blue color floss flower which is annual or perennial, counting on the variability you decide on from the 40 odd varieties to settle on.
They are white, or reminder blue like blue, pink, or purple. it’s a tiny low plant type, growing only up to 6 to eight-inch high although some varieties may grow somewhere around three feet
This easy-to-grow plant is grown well in atmospheric conditions with average moisture within the sand which doesn’t survive for too long. It prefers full sun with little moisture but never mind if you forgot to water for a few days because it is prone to harsh conditions and may withstand and grow without water for a few days. Avoid overhead watering and water should be pumped only to the roots or soil. Air circulation should be good
Other names
These plants are commonly known by the names Mexican paintbrush, Floss Flower, and billy weed. the foremost common name as mentioned before is Floss Flower. they need small blooms that resemble tiny pom-poms with floss flower-like filaments. it’s a really beautiful plant with floss flowers that are mainly utilized in lawns and landscaping.
Attractive Colors:
The floss flowers are very attractive with very bright colors of blue and variants like pink and purple with some varieties floss flowering white.
It is not suitable for cold and humid climates because it is at risk of zymosis and low growth. As a native of Mexico which is warm and wet, it likes more sunlight and less coldness in the atmosphere. It prefers regular watering and a real touch of fertilizers for an additional push. It also can be grown in reminder sun or indoors but won’t yield the identical results of growing outdoors.
This plant doesn’t need to require good fertile soil to grow. It can even grow in low fertile soil provided it’s well-drained and water holding capacity isn’t high. Though we must always sprinkle water within the soil to create it moist every day.
Planting Instructions
Ageratum is particular about soil conditions provided the soil isn’t muddy and might drain the water easily. we will plant them six inches apart. Plant the sapling from the late spring to the first summer. If using the seeds, press the seed into the soil and not cover the seeds as they require light to germinate. Water it for 2 weeks until leaves emerge. Then plant it outdoors or in pots after the fear of frost within the atmosphere is over.
These plants require relatively lesser care and support. the sole care it requires is within the initial stage of its growth. Fertilizers don’t seem to be compulsory but adding it’ll give more yield and healthy flowers.
When the plant is young, we will stimulate growth by pinching the growing tips which can help the plants to spread around. Also deadheading the dead flowers will stimulate the continued growth of plants and they’re blooming.
Ageratum requires little maintenance and is taken into account as a cost-effective plant for gardening and landscaping. It doesn’t require high care and support.
Watering is advisable at a daily interval until the plant has established its growth. Once reaching its full growth, this plant can still grow and floss flower whether or not it’s denied water for a few days because it is well at the risk of harsh weather. Still, the most effective option is to water it regularly. we will reduce the frequency of watering if we cover the soil with mulch which may retain some moisture in the soil.
Diseases and pests
Avoid watering the plant from the highest and water should be sprayed only on the soil. Water on the leaves or humidity within the atmosphere may cause mycosis in the plant and rotting. Spider mites can create some problems particularly when the season is hot which may be avoided by misting at regular intervals.
–by Sharvari Palve (Content writer Intern)