Large Native Cat on Land :These are known for speeds that they can run about 80- 128 Km/hr with reliable speeds of 93 and 98 km/hr.
Cheetah with Black spots on body
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordata
Class – Mammalia
Order- Carnivora
Family – Felidae
Genus- Acinonyx
Species- jubatus
The fastest mammal who is native to Africa and Iran. The heads of these are small and round with brown streaks and black spots on the body.The spots are also for camouflage for hiding and hunting. The male body weight is heavier than females.They have evolved with an increase in their adaptive character and major ability of doing sprints while running,it also increases their physiological activity and due to their speed they have large room to anchor large teeths as with absence of teeths their abilities are limited.
Cheetahs are active in hunting during morning and late afternoon thus called Diurnals.they are Carnivore so consume small prey, fastly in order to reduce competition with others and also they establish areas where there are plenty of prey and females are closer to reach.These also have a wide- angle view of their surroundings and dark inner marks under the eye to overcome sun glare. They communicate with different voices and agnostic sounds. Males have a stutter sound on high pitch when they are excited or attracted towards a female and females have loud sounds for the young ones to make them follow her.Cheetahs usually have clean eating habits as they do not return to their killed prey and the young ones are able to learn hunting from their mothers at six week after birth.
Cheetahs are social living animals; the males are not isolated while females are , these even only close for mating and females take care of young ones on their own.males cheetahs live and hunt in groups while females have a larger group than males. The females leave their cubs after 18 months and they live with their siblings and siblings also get isolated. The young males then live in a group called Coalition.
young one of cheetah
The life span is about 8 to 10 years and in human care for 12-15 years. The genetic variations are not that much in this species, due to climate change and migration. Cheetahs are a vulnerable category of IUCN Red list. There is also inbreeding variation among them which affects their offspring fertility and also. As due to the effect on the habitat of cheetahs they are seemed to be present in local farms where farmers may even kill them for their protection but for conservation through organisation named NCCF-SA a compensation scheme has been launched such that farmers will not kill them instead they will be provided with amount of money. Also people can help and donate for the organizations like NAT GEO: Big Cat Initiative and Cheetah Conservation Fund.
By- Pragya Joshi