Sandalwood has been employed in many ancient cultures. The Chinese called it “Bai tan Xiang”, for the Japanese “Byakudan” or “Senden”, and people within the Hindu faith “Candana”.
One of the oldest incense materials, sandalwood has been in use for a minimum of 4,000 years. It’s one of the foremost calming fragrances, therefore the popular one for meditation. It calms the mind, enhances mental clarity, and aids in the opening of the sense organ. The aroma increases devotion and combined properly, can help transmute sexual energy for those that are practicing celibacy. Many religions, ancients & current use sandalwood for items like mala beads & staffs.
If you’ve read the numerous statements about sandalwood, you’re accustomed to the overall opinion that sandalwood, aside from Mysore Sandalwood, is usually considered “inferior.” This can be a somewhat deceiving statement. Several styles of wood and oils are sold as sandalwood which is a wholly different species altogether
The sandal tree, botanically called Santalum album belongs to the family Santalaceae. The sandal tree grows almost exclusively within the forests of Karnataka, followed by Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and the state, moreover because of the Timor Islands of Indonesia. Because the tree grows, the oil develops within the roots and heartwood, which needs a minimum of 15 to twenty years, however, full maturity is reached after 60 to 80 years. The core of dark heartwood gradually develops, which is roofed by outer sapwood. The Santalum album isn’t felled but uprooted within the time of year when the roots are richer within the precious volatile oil. Vietnam and New Caledonia have been the leaders in the production of genuine sandalwood. The simplest quality oil comes from the Indian provinces of Mysore and province, where the harvest of sandalwood trees is protected by the regime.
The tree is medium-sized 12-15 meters tall. The tree reaches its full maturity in 60 to 80 years, which is when the center of the slender trunk (the heartwood) has achieved its greatest oil content. Both the heartwood and roots are fragrant and contain the oil; the bark and sapwood however are odorless. The Santalum album isn’t abated but uprooted during the time of year when it’s richer in precious essential oils. The sandal tree does alright on its own and seems to seem in places it was never seen before. However, all attempts by man to proliferate and increase the expansion of the species have yielded declining plant populations. It appears very proof against manipulation!
Many people feel that oil produced from any tree (even Mysore) doesn’t have the identical psychotropic, emotional, spiritual, or medicinal benefits that we discover within the wood powder or incense burning that’s centuries old. Sandalwood was either used in powder form or sandalwood pieces were burnt in the ancient practice of Ayurveda. Essential oils and attars may have also been employed in Indian medicine, but were made popular within the west by the perfume industry by 1920s French aromatherapists, resulting in sandalwood being applied medicinally within the western world.
Other Species
Pterocarpus scandalous or Santalum rubrum (red sandalwood) are primarily used for coloring and dyeing. Other varieties come from the Hawaiian Islands, Australian state, and island. Other varieties growing within the West Indies, Venezuela, Jamaica, and Haiti are Amyris balsamifera L., which isn’t of the identical family.
History / Traditions
Sandalwood includes a sacred 4,000-year-old history of being mentioned in Sanskrit and Chinese manuscripts. The oil was utilized in religious rituals, and lots of deities, temples & sacred carvings were crafted from its softwood. The traditional Egyptians imported the wood and used it in medicine, embalming, and ritual burning to venerate their gods. In Buddhism, it’s considered to be one of all the three incenses integral to Buddhist practice, along with aloeswood and cloves. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia were thought to be improved by sandalwood and were believed to market spiritual practices, peaceful relaxation, openness, and “grounding.” It’s employed in many death ceremonies to assist the organic process and to comfort mourners likewise as in many kinds of initiation rites to open the disciples’ minds to receive consecration. Within the Zoroastrian Temples, it burns in sacred fires to appease the troubles of all humanity. it’s utilized by the Jewish, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and us, likewise as almost every other belief system for its vast diversity in attributes.