Scientific Classification
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Urodela
Family: Ambystomatidae
Genus: Ambystoma
Species: A.mexicanum
Binomial name:
Ambystoma mexicanum
(Shaw and Nodder, 1798)
The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, known to have the largest animal genome, is the only native to the marine of Lake Xochimilco underlying Mexico City. Axolotl has broadheads and they are without eyelids. They have immature limbs and hold long, lean fingers. Females can be recognized by their vast bodies infested with eggs while males have perfect cloacae-lined papillae that give their tongue its rough texture.
Axolotl – Having an uncommon potential of regeneration
- The most unique quality of Axolotl is its amazing self-healing powers. It does not heal its bound naturally but it regenerates almost all of its body parts either external or internal.
- Axolotl can regenerate its important parts in a few months including the tail, limbs, tissues of the eye, central nervous system, and even heart. It restores these body parts with proper functionality.
- The most exceptional thing is that it can even grow back lost limbs. In certain circumstances, Axolotls can even restore a damaged limb, as well as regenerate another limb and live off with an extra limb.
- Because of Axolotl’s unique ability, they are mostly preferred by pet keepers. However, in a transformed adult body, the power of regeneration lessens.
Different colors of Axolotls at different stages
- During transfiguring or mutation, Axolotl forms different color species.
- A feral animal is brown with gold speckles and an olivaceous undertone.
Other mutant colors include:
- Melanoid(olivaceous color)
- Leucistic color (black eyes and pale green body)
- Xanthic color (black eyes but grey color body)
- Golden albino(gold eyes and golden color)
- The most common color in Axolotl is Albino that is red eyes with dark pink or white body color.
Captivating facts about Axolotls
- Male axolotls strenuously poke the female axolotls with their snout to execute a ‘hula dance’, a Polynesian dance form.
- Axolotls are neotenic which means they do not lose any larval features during sexual maturity. Axolotls keep their gills and do not lose them like other creatures, which means they live in water throughout their life. However, few Axolotls undergo metamorphosis and become capable of living on land.
- The axolotl’s genome was published in 2018 and it is the largest animal genome known. It is about 10 times as big as the Homosapien genome.
- Axolotls are carnivorous their diet consists of various types of foods such as earthworms, bloodworms, frozen, wax worms, etc.
Conservation status
- Axolotls usually live up to 15 years and as of now, they are critically endangered. There are copious reasons behind the extinction of Axolotls.
- The draining and desecration of exit criminal ko lake of Mexico is the major reason for the decline of Axolotls. Moreover, roasted axolotls are a preferred amiability in Mexico and they are also famous in aquariums.
- The conservation program is organized by Dr.Zambrano of Mexico’s National Autonomous University. The organization is working on filtering canals to prevent carnivorous fish from occupying axolotl habitat. Lab-bred salamanders are often released into the preserved canals.
By- Aditi Jain
Content Writer (Erakina By RTMN)